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Англо-русский словарь - private


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view закрытый просмотр (кинофильма, выставки и т.п.)
 1. adj.
 1) частный; личный; private life - частная жизнь; private secretary - личный секретарь - private bill - private industry - private means - private property - on private account - private office - private practitioner - private medical practitioner - private view
 2) не находящийся на государственной службе, не занимающий официального поста; неофициальный; - private member - private eye
 3) уединенный
 4) тайный, конфиденциальный; for ones own private ear - по секрету; to keep a thing private - держать что-л. в тайне
 5) рядовой (о солдате)
 2. noun
 1) рядовой
 2) pl. половые органы
 3) - in private
PRIVATE bill парламентский законопроект, касающийся отдельных лиц или корпораций
PRIVATE enterprise частное предпринимательство
PRIVATE eye частный сыщик
PRIVATE individual leg. частное лицо
PRIVATE industry частный сектор промышленности
PRIVATE law гражданское право;
PRIVATE means личное состояние
PRIVATE medical practitioner частнопрактикующий врач
PRIVATE member член парламента, не занимающий никакого государственного поста
PRIVATE office личный кабинет
PRIVATE practitioner частнопрактикующий врач
PRIVATE property частная собственность
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См. в других словарях

  1. воен. рядовой private first class —- рядовой первого класса 2. pl. наружные половые органы 3. уст. частное лицо 4. уст. личное, частное дело Id: in private —- конфиденциально, секретно; в узком кругу; при закрытых дверях; в частной жизни Id: can we discuss this in private —- можно нам поговорить об этом с глазу на глаз? Id: he drinks a great deal in private —- он много пьет в одиночку 5. частный private property —- частная собственность private hospital —- частная лечебница private road —- дорога частного пользования private sector of industry —- эк. частный сектор промышленности private enterprise —- (частное) предпринимательство; частное предприятие private bill —- парл. частный законопроект; законопроект, касающийся отдельных лиц (физических и юридических) 6. личный; отдельный; собственный private office —- отдельный (личный) кабинет private secretary —- личный секретарь private house —- особняк, дом для одной семьи private opinion —- личное (частное) мнение for my private use —- для моего личного пользования private life —- частная (личная) жизнь private income (money, means) —- личное состояние private business (affair) —- частное (личное) дело private motives —- мотивы личного характера private letter —- личное (частное) письмо private correspondence —- частная переписка private and confidencial —- лично, в собственные...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  рядовой, рядовой-рекрут Низшее воинское звание в Сухопутных войсках и морской пехоте ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  прил. 1) частный, личный 2) конфиденциальный 3) секретный 4) неофициальный • - claims on private sector - do smth. in one's private capacity - private activity bond - private agency - private auction - private bill - private brand product - private business - private company - private enterprise - private foundation - private individual - private information - private institution - private life - private meeting - private negotiations - private opinion - private property - private rate of discount - private residence - private responsibility Syn: individual, particular PRIVATE частный, личный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  частный, собственный multischedule private line — частная линия связи private telephone exchange — телефонная подстанция private work brigades — шабашники - private bank - private communication - private line - private network - private vehicle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 belonging to an individual; one's own; personal (private property). 2 confidential; not to be disclosed to others (private talks). 3 kept or removed from public knowledge or observation. 4 a not open to the public. b for an individual's exclusive use (private room). 5 (of a place) secluded; affording privacy. 6 (of a person) not holding public office or an official position. 7 (of education or medical treatment) conducted outside the State system, at the individual's expense. --n. 1 a private soldier. 2 (in pl.) colloq. the genitals. Phrases and idioms in private privately; in private company or life. private bill a parliamentary bill affecting an individual or corporation only. private company Brit. a company with restricted membership and no issue of shares. private detective a detective engaged privately, outside an official police force. private enterprise 1 a business or businesses not under State control. 2 individual initiative. private eye colloq. a private detective. private first class US a soldier ranking above an ordinary private but below officers. private hotel a hotel not obliged to take all comers. private house the dwelling-house of a private person, as distinct from a shop, office, or public building. private law a law relating to individual persons and private property. private life life as a private person, not as an official, public performer, etc. private means income from investments etc., apart from earned income. private member a member of a legislative body not holding a government office. private member's bill a bill introduced by a private member, not part of government legislation. private parts the genitals. private patient Brit. a patient treated by a doctor other than under the National Health Service. private practice Brit. medical practice that is not part of the National Health Service. private press a printing establishment operated by a private person or group not primarily for profit and usu. on a small scale. private school 1 Brit. a school supported wholly by the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English privat, from Anglo-French, from Latin privatus, from past participle of privare to deprive, release, from privus ~, individual; probably akin to Latin pro for, in front of — more at for  Date: 14th century  1.  a. intended for or restricted to the use of a particular person, group, or class a ~ park  b. belonging to or concerning an individual person, company, or interest a ~ house  c.  (1) restricted to the individual or arising independently of others ~ opinion  (2) carried on by the individual independently of the usual institutions ~ study a doctor in ~ practice; also being educated by independent study or a tutor or in a ~ school ~ students  d. not general in effect a ~ statute  e. of, relating to, or receiving hospital service in which the patient has more privileges than a semi~ or ward patient  2.  a.  (1) not holding public office or employment a ~ citizen  (2) not related to one's official position ; personal ~ correspondence  b. being a ~ a ~ soldier  3.  a. withdrawn from company or observation ; sequestered a ~ retreat  b. not known or intended to be known publicly ; secret a ~ conversation  c. preferring to keep personal affairs to oneself ; valuing privacy highly  d. unsuitable for public use or display  4. not having shares that can be freely traded on the open market a ~ company  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. archaic one not in public office  2. obsolete privacy  3. plural ~ parts  4.  a. a person of low rank in various organizations (as a police or fire department)  b. an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the marine corps or of one of the two lowest ranks in the army ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (privates) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Private industries and services are owned or controlled by an individual person or a commercial company, rather than by the state or an official organization. (BUSINESS) Bupa runs private hospitals in Britain... Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets. ADJ: usu ADJ n • privately No other European country had so few privately owned businesses... She was privately educated at schools in Ireland and Paris. ADV: ADV with v 2. Private individuals are acting only for themselves, and are not representing any group, company, or organization. ...the law’s insistence that private citizens are not permitted to have weapons... The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors... ADJ: ADJ n 3. Your private things belong only to you, or may only be used by you. There are 76 individually furnished bedrooms, all with private bathrooms... ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. Private places or gatherings may be attended only by a particular group of people, rather than by the general public. 673 private golf clubs took part in a recent study... The door is marked ‘Private’... ? public ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. Private meetings, discussions, and other activities involve only a small number of people, and very little information about them is given to other people. Don’t bug private conversations, and don’t buy papers that reprint them. ADJ: usu ADJ n • privately Few senior figures have issued any public statements but privately the resignation’s been welcomed... ADV: usu ADV with cl, also ADV after v 6. Your private life is that part of your life that is concerned with your personal relationships and activities, rather than with your work or business. I’ve always kept my private and professional life separate... = personal ADJ: usu ADJ n 7. Your private thoughts or feelings are ones that you do not talk about to other people. We all felt as...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NOT FOR EVERYONE« only for use by one particular person or group, not for everyone  (a private road | private property) 2 »SECRET« a) private feelings, information, or opinions are personal or secret and not for other people to know about  (What I told your was private - I thought you would respect that.) b) a private meeting, conversation etc involves only a small number of people, and is not for other people to know about  (a peace deal hammered out in a series of private talks) 3 »NOT GOVERNMENT« only before noun not connected with, owned by, or paid for by the government  (a private hospital | private pension plans | go private BrE (=pay for medical treatment instead of getting it free at a public hospital)) 4 »NOT PART OF YOUR WORK« separate from and not connected with your work or your official position  (The president is paying a private visit to Europe. | private life (=the parts of your life not connected with your job or your public life, especially your relationships))  (I never discuss my private life in interviews.) 5 »QUIET PLACE« quiet and without lots of people  (Is there a private corner where we can have a talk?) 6 »PERSON« only before noun a private person is one who likes being alone, and does not talk much about their thoughts or feelings  (Although he spends a lot of time in the public eye, he is really a very private man.) 7 private joke a joke made between friends, family members etc that other people do not understand  (- see also privately) ~2 n 1 in private without other people being present  (I have something to tell you, but I'll speak to you about it in private.) 2 a soldier of the lowest rank 3 privates informal private parts private detective ~ n someone who can be employed to look for information or missing people, or to follow people and report on what they do ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: IN PRIVATE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1384, from L. privatus "set apart, belonging to oneself" (not to the state), used in contrast to publicus, communis, originally pp. stem of privare "to separate, deprive," from privus "one's own, individual," from Old L. pri "before." Replaced O.E. syndrig. Grew popular 17c. as a prefered alternative to the snobbish overtones in common. Private soldier "one below the rank of a non-commissioned officer" is from 1579. Private parts "the pudenda" is from 1885. Privacy is first recorded 1450. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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